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Garver Saves Time and Money with AllFly Travel

Kenny Totten
Kenny Totten
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AllFly is committed to optimizing both time and cost efficiency for meeting planners. In a recent case study, we showcase our success in achieving remarkable savings of $15,769 for Garver during a single meeting. Through our innovative technology and unparalleled services, AllFly not only transformed their travel experience but also significantly reduced expenses associated with this particular event.

Background Story: Garver faced the challenge of coordinating a meeting in Kansas City, requiring the travel of multiple employees. Choosing AllFly to handle their travel logistics, we are delighted to highlight the substantial cost savings realized through our platform.


Garver encountered the challenge of efficiently managing travel logistics for a meeting in Kansas City. The goal was to streamline the process, reduce expenses, and ensure that the travel arrangements adhered to budgetary constraints. AllFly was entrusted with overcoming these challenges and delivering a cost-effective solution.


AllFly's Booking Portal played a pivotal role in addressing Garver's challenges, offering key features that contributed to significant savings:

  • Load in Discounted Fares: AllFly negotiated meeting contracts with airlines, securing a 2-10% discount off published rates. This negotiation alone resulted in a savings of $2,935 for the Kansas City meeting.
  • Social Booking: Our platform includes a social booking feature, simplifying the coordination and booking process for attendees. This optimization of group discounts and travel arrangements further contributed to overall savings.
  • Enforce Travel Policy: AllFly's booking engine enforced travel policies while presenting the lowest fares, enabling Garver to save an additional 2-5% on airfare. This ensured that travel expenses remained within budgetary constraints.

Special Aspect of AllFly: Through cutting-edge technology and strategic airline contracts, AllFly passed on savings totaling $15,769 to Garver. This commitment to excellence and efficiency was evident in every aspect of our service.

Breakdown of Savings

  • Meeting Contracts: $2,935 (2-10% off published rates)
  • Ticket Buyback: $6,934 (Buyback of 17 tickets on Delta, American, and United)
  • Name Changes: $5,900 (Absorption of costs for 13 last-minute changes)

The enforcement of the travel policy through our booking engine additionally contributed to substantial overall savings.

$2,935 Meeting contracts Set up meeting contracts that provide 2-10% off published rates.
$6,934 Ticket buyback We bought back 17 tickets on Delta, American, and United.
$5,900 Name changes Garver had 13 last minute changes, they can be costly but with Allfly, they are free.
$$$$ Travel policy Our booking engine enforces travel policy while surfacing the lowest fares. This usually helps save between 2-5% on airfare.


AllFly not only achieved substantial cost savings for Garver but also added significant value through our partnership approach. By collaborating with meeting planners and travel managers, our self-service booking platform empowered attendees to select convenient and economical flights, ensuring that trips stayed within budget. Our technology, complemented by an expert in-house service team, delivered a seamless and cost-effective experience.

Expressing pride in our accomplishments with Garver, we look forward to offering similar advantages to your organization. For inquiries or to explore how AllFly can enhance your upcoming events, please don't hesitate to get in touch. We appreciate your consideration of AllFly as your trusted travel partner.


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