
Incentivizing Employees: AllFly's Role with Coca-Cola

Employees now prefer personalized travel rewards. Gift A Trip and AllFly offer turnkey travel certificates and flexible flight booking, enhancing employee satisfaction.

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As employee preferences continue to evolve when it comes to how they wish to be recognized and rewarded at work, it's important for companies to ensure they’re staying current with the trends by offering their employees rewards that they’ll find not only motivating, but highly personal, and memorable as well.

A recent survey from the Incentive Research Foundation (IRF) found that an average of 59% of employee respondents preferred Individual Travel (with a guest) as the #1 reward option to stay with the organization and perform their best.  That’s higher than their preference for flexible work arrangements (49%), merchandise (30%) or group travel with other top performers (12%).  

While group incentive trips for top performers are still highly preferred by the C-Suite, there are ways to incorporate individual travel rewards into a Total Rewards strategy.  One company who focuses solely on providing turnkey, individual travel rewards from the top cruise, resort and hotel brands is Gift A Trip, based in Orlando, FL.  AllFly is thrilled to announce our partnership with Gift A Trip as their preferred flight provider for these individual travel rewards.

The Concept:

Gift A Trip introduces an exciting new approach to employee incentives by providing companies with the ability to purchase turnkey travel certificates for two, which are inclusive of the accommodations, plus all taxes and fees, gratuities.  They can also add on an AllFly flight voucher in any dollar denomination to accompany the trip certificate.  

Companies can purchase a single branded trip certificate (such as a Royal Caribbean 3-4 Night Cruise Certificate), or they can purchase a “Flex Trip Collection” Certificate, which allows the recipient to choose from any one of six trip options, featuring a wide variety of experiences – all at a set price.  It’s Gift A Trip’s most popular option, as companies often prefer to let the recipient choose which trip they’d enjoy the most.  

Allowing the individual the flexibility to choose their destination, their travel dates, as well as their travel companions makes the reward even more thoughtful and meaningful.  

How it Works

Whether employees have achieved their sales goals, reached a milestone tenure at the company, or earned an award for other service achievements, once the company has decided on the reward budget, they can purchase the rewards from Gift A Trip either online or over the phone.  It’s as easy as 1, 2, 3!

  1. PURCHASE: Employer selects either an individually branded or Flex Trip certificate.
  2. DELIVER: Gift A Trip e-mails the company the redeemable digital trip certificate via a secure downloadable link.
  3. REDEEM: When the recipient is ready to book their trip, they contact the certificate redemption desk directly with the cruise line, resort or hotel.  

Seamless Flight Booking with AllFly

Once the recipient has decided on their travel plans, AllFly steps in to help get them there.  As a trusted travel partner, AllFly will book the flights and manage the travel arrangements based on the requests submitted by the recipient.  They can choose from any airline, any flight, and any class of service up to the value of the flight voucher.  Should they choose to upgrade their class or service, or choose a flight that exceeds the voucher value, they can simply pay the difference.  This flexible and streamlined process ensures that your employees have a hassle-free booking experience from start to finish.

Certificate Support for Coca-Cola

At AllFly, we are committed to providing customized travel solutions to meet the unique needs of our clients.  For Coca-Cola, we have developed a dedicated website where employees can easily send over their travel details.  This platform is designed to keep things automated, fast and streamlined.

Here’s how it works:

  1. User-Friendly Interface: Coca-Cola employees can log into the dedicated website and input their travel preferences and voucher details.
  2. Automated Processing: The system automatically processes the information, ensuring that all travel arrangements are aligned with the employee's requests.
  3. Streamlined Communication: The platform allows for easy communication between the employee and AllFly, reducing the time and effort required to finalize travel plans.
  4. Efficiency and Accuracy: By automating the travel booking process, we minimize errors and ensure that each trip is booked accurately and efficiently.

This personalized approach not only enhances the travel booking experience for Coca-Cola employees but also ensures that the entire process is seamless and efficient, reflecting AllFly's commitment to excellence.

Why Choose Gift A Trip?

  1. Choice: With over 35 hotel, resort and cruise line brands to choose from, there’s something for every budget, and every kind of travel experience.
  2. Flexibility: Certificates are valid for year-round travel, with minimal blackout dates.  Guest can also upgrade their accommodations, extend their stay, or even add more guests to the reservation.
  3. Personalization: Employees get to choose their travel dates as well as their travel companions.
  4. Inclusive: Certificates always include all taxes, resort fees, and gratuities.  This means that your recipient will not have to pay these fees out of pocket for the trip they’ve earned.
  5. Enhanced Satisfaction: By allowing employees to choose their travel dates, companions, and even their destinations, companies can significantly boost employee satisfaction and motivation.


Motivating and recognizing your most valuable team members has never been more exciting and rewarding.  With Gift A Trip and AllFly, you can offer your employees a personalized travel experience that celebrates their achievements and provides them with the freedom to enjoy a vacation of their choice. It's time to rethink employee rewards and embrace a new way of recognizing success.

For more information on how you can leverage this partnership to reward your team, feel free to reach out to us at AllFly. Let’s take employee rewards to new heights together!

By integrating Gift A Trip into your corporate reward strategy, you not only recognize your team's hard work but also provide them with a unique and memorable experience. This partnership aligns perfectly with our commitment at AllFly to offer seamless and exceptional travel solutions. Join us in redefining employee rewards with the flexibility and personalization that Gift A Trip provides. 

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