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Rebranding to AllFly

We have rebranded from Bacarai to AllFly, ushering in a new phase for building a better future for group air travel.

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A few years ago, we made a mistake. 

Have you ever made a decision, thought it was good in the moment, and later came to regret it?

Yea, us too.

We named our company Bacarai.

Is it a rum company, or an online gambling site? 

Who knows! No one knows. And it was a distraction that wasn’t doing us any favors.

So rather than row endlessly on the ship they call regret, we wanted to take the opportunity with our new funding to chart a new course and rebrand the company. 

At our core, the mission remains the same– make group air travel easier to plan, book, and manage. So much of group air travel happens offline, whether you are a student group of 60 passengers flying to Orlando for a school trip, or a business embarking on your first team offsite, group air travel is far from easy. 

After years of people mis-spelling, mis-pronouncing, and people calling us Bacardi (you know, the rum company), we opted for something more true to what we do. 

Enter AllFly. 

Bacarai is rebranding to AllFly. Here is the new logo.

AllFly Logo

I think the name says it all – the AllFly name honors the mission and highlights the focus on group air travel. The icon is a ticket, which is symbolic of jumping on a flight. Industry insiders will be quick to point out that paper tickets will eventually die, and we are okay with that. 

To us, the ticket symbol is a small tether to the “old school” – a homage to how much of the travel industry is stuck in the past. And for whatever reason, a paper ticket reminds me of when travel used to be more luxurious, and the service used to always be first class.

I think the ticket is the right way to remind ourselves that as much as we layer technology to group air travel, a great experience always starts and stops with service. The ticket is our reminder that “going old-school” is the way to earn and keep business. 

Call us old-fashion, but we like opening car doors for our dates, saying please and thank you, and going the extra mile for our customers. The ticket is our commitment to the old way, to making people smile with superior service.  

You’ll see a whole new refined visual identity as well. One that is cleaner, with a touch of fun. 

You may be thinking, what’s the story behind Bacarai? How did that name happen? 

Well, if you see us at an event or conference, you’ll have to buy us a beer (or shot of rum) for us to turn that leaf over again. 

Onward and upwards. 

Safe travels. 

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